Friday, March 30, 2012

Welcome Freaks!!

Hello All and welcome to my blog 'A Freak on the Grid'. In a world were everyone talks aboug getting off the 'Grid', I'm jumping on. Well we may be talking about two different grids.

I'm talking bout is the Virtual World Grids.

I've been playing Second life on and off again since 2007. Recently I've discovered a new Virtual world where you can run your own region off a local computer or even a hosted server.

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, were do I sign up.

Anyways this is a blogs bout my trials, tribulations, and eventual success. It's my hope that this blog will be come a nice little resource other virtual world freaks interested in region running, and content creation.

Until next next time...Stay Freaky!!!

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