Saturday, March 31, 2012

Running your Own Region - Part 3

Setting up your new OSGrid Region

Before getting started setting up your new region you will need to find an area that currently does not have a region.  I’ve included 3 links taken from that you can use.  When you mouse over a region you will see numbers, take note of the numbers you will be asked for them during setup.

To setup your Region  you will need to go back into the bin folder. 

Cd ..

To start up OpenSim on linux you just need to have mono run OpenSim.exe.

Mono OpenSim.exe

New region name []: MyNewTestRegion (Hit Enter)
Region UUID [54425db0-d454-4a93-9a95-6247494694ff]:
(Hit Enter)
Region Location [1000,1001]: 10006,10005 (Hit Enter)
Internal IP address []:
(Hit Enter)
Internal port [9000]:
(Hit Enter)
Allow alternate ports [False]:
(Hit Enter)
External host name [SYSTEMIP]: (this is your servers IP address)(Hit Enter)
Your region is not part of an estate.
Do you wish to join an existing estate? [no]:
No (Hit Enter)
New estate name [My Estate]:
YourEstateName (Hit Enter)
Estate owner first name [Test]: Test (Hit Enter) This is your OSGrid account name
Estate owner last name [User]:User  (Hit Enter)

Ok We now have a working Region.  If you need to start over or make changes, these settings are saved in a file in under /bin/Regions/Regions.ini file.  If you delete this file, then next time OpenSim.exe runs it will prompt you to run this wizard again.

Before we log in and try and find out if our region is accessable, you will need to look at your firewall.  I just flushed the iptable rules for testing.

To list your firewall Rules log in as root and issue this command

Iptables –L

To flush your firewall rules issue this command

Iptables –F

Logging into OSGrid and find  your new Region

Now lets log in to your viewer and log into OSGrid. 

Click on the map section and search for your estate or region name, then teleport to it.

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