Saturday, March 31, 2012

Running your Own Region - Part 3

Setting up your new OSGrid Region

Before getting started setting up your new region you will need to find an area that currently does not have a region.  I’ve included 3 links taken from that you can use.  When you mouse over a region you will see numbers, take note of the numbers you will be asked for them during setup.

To setup your Region  you will need to go back into the bin folder. 

Cd ..

To start up OpenSim on linux you just need to have mono run OpenSim.exe.

Mono OpenSim.exe

New region name []: MyNewTestRegion (Hit Enter)
Region UUID [54425db0-d454-4a93-9a95-6247494694ff]:
(Hit Enter)
Region Location [1000,1001]: 10006,10005 (Hit Enter)
Internal IP address []:
(Hit Enter)
Internal port [9000]:
(Hit Enter)
Allow alternate ports [False]:
(Hit Enter)
External host name [SYSTEMIP]: (this is your servers IP address)(Hit Enter)
Your region is not part of an estate.
Do you wish to join an existing estate? [no]:
No (Hit Enter)
New estate name [My Estate]:
YourEstateName (Hit Enter)
Estate owner first name [Test]: Test (Hit Enter) This is your OSGrid account name
Estate owner last name [User]:User  (Hit Enter)

Ok We now have a working Region.  If you need to start over or make changes, these settings are saved in a file in under /bin/Regions/Regions.ini file.  If you delete this file, then next time OpenSim.exe runs it will prompt you to run this wizard again.

Before we log in and try and find out if our region is accessable, you will need to look at your firewall.  I just flushed the iptable rules for testing.

To list your firewall Rules log in as root and issue this command

Iptables –L

To flush your firewall rules issue this command

Iptables –F

Logging into OSGrid and find  your new Region

Now lets log in to your viewer and log into OSGrid. 

Click on the map section and search for your estate or region name, then teleport to it.

Running your Own Region - Extra OpenSim.ini

Running Your Own Rebion Extras!!! The .ini Files

Running your Own Region - Part 2



Installing the OpenSim 0.7.x

Now we can log off the server as root and log in as the newly created user opensim.  We are running opensim as a basic user for security reasons.  The root account should only be used when really needed.

Once logged in run the following command to download Opensim 0.7.3.  As newerveriosn come out you can copy the link location to download it.

--2012-03-29 15:07:17--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 24741402 (24M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `opensim-0.7.3.tar.gz'
100%[======================================>] 24,741,402   997K/s   in 24s

2012-03-29 15:07:42 (988 KB/s) - `opensim-0.7.3.tar.gz' saved [24741402/24741402]

Now the file has been saved we need to uncompress and tar the file using the following command.

tar -xvzf /home/opensim/opensim-0.7.3.tar.gz -C /home/opensim/

You will now find a opensim-0.7.3 folder in your home folder.

cd opensim-0.7.3

You now have OpenSim installed and ready to go!

Configure OpenSim for OSGrid and your new Region

Next we need to make some changes to your configuration files so that OpenSim can connect to OSGrid and is able to host your new region.  There are 3 files that will need to be updated in order to host a region

There are going to be 3 additional text files you will use make sure you have a copy of them.  They will be distributed with this document.

OpenSim.ini for OSGrid

GridCommon.ini for OSGrid

FlotsamCache.ini for OSGrid

From the opensim-0.7.3 directory type in the following command to enter into the bin directory.  This is where all you OpenSim executable files are located at.

Cd bin

Editing the OpenSim.ini file

Now we want to remove the current OpenSim.ini file.

Rm OpenSim.ini

If you wanted to keep a back up copy of the original OpenSim.ini file you can use this command.

Mv OpenSim.ini OpenSim.ini.bak

Next create a new copy of OpenSim.ini

Nano OpenSim.ini

Next Copy the contest from the file OpenSim.ini for OSGrid and paste it into the OpenSim.ini file.  When this is done exit and save the file by issueing this command.

Ctrl+X, then Y, Enter

Editing the GridCommon.ini

Now we want to remove the current GridCommon.ini file.

Cd config-include

Rm GridCommon.ini

If you wanted to keep a back up copy of the original GridCommon.ini file you can use this command.

Mv GridCommon.ini GridCommon.ini.bak

Next create a new copy of OpenSim.ini

Nano OpenSim.ini

Next Copy the contest from the file OpenSim.ini for OSGrid and paste it into the OpenSim.ini file.  When this is done exit and save the file by issuing this command.

Ctrl+X, then Y, Enter

Editing the FlotsamCache.ini

Now we want to remove the current GridCommon.ini file.  We should still be in the config-include folder. FlotsamCache.ini

Rm FlotsamCache.ini

If you wanted to keep a backup copy of the original GridCommon.ini file you can use this command.

Mv FlotsamCache.ini FlotsamCache.ini.bak

Next create a new copy of FlotsamCache.ini

Nano FlotsamCache.ini

Next Copy the contest from the file FlotsamCache.ini for OSGrid and paste it into the FlotsamCache.ini file.  When this is done exit and save the file by issuing this command.

Ctrl+X, then Y, Enter

Running your Own Region - Part 1

This is going to be the first of several posts about running your OpenSim region in OSGrid.  This session we will talking about setting up your server and installing Mono.

Purpose:  The purpose of this document is to properly document how to setup an OpenSim Linux server to host an OSGrid Region.  In this example we will be using CentOS 5.6 as the core operating system.  This example is also done using a Rackspace Cloud Server, the steps should be the same for any other VPS(Virtual Private Server)

Formating:  In an attempt to make this as easy as possible to follow I’m edited the fomating on the input and output from the server.

Commands entered into the server though your terminal will be displayed like this.

Command output from your server in the terminal will be displayed like this.

Setting up the Server - Installing Mono

After  your Server has been created.  Log in as root, and create user ‘opensim’.  then issue the command to set a password for the user opensim.

useradd opensim
passwd opensim
Changing password for user opensim.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

While logged in as root user run updates on the server

yum update

When that is complte set up the repository to install a version of Mono that will support OpenSim version 0.7.x

To see what version of Mono is in your Yum Repoisotorys run the following command.

yum info mono-core
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Available Packages
Name       : mono-core
Arch       : x86_64
Version    : 1.2.4
Release    : 2.el5.centos
Size       : 11 M
Repo       : extras
Summary    : The Mono CIL runtime, suitable for running .NET code
URL        :
License    : GPL, LGPL, MIT X11
Description: This package contains the core of the Mono runtime including its
           : Virtual Machine, Just-in-time compiler, C# compiler, security
           : tools and libraries (corlib, XML, System.Security, ZipLib,
           : I18N, Cairo and Mono.*).

Since we running a more stable operating system, it contains an older verion of Mono.  Therefore we will need to update servers repositories to install a newer Mono binaries.  To do this we will run the following commands.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
sudo nano mono.repo

This will open the nano text editor and and create a new file, mono.repo.  Add the following lines to that file.

name = novell-mono

Type CTRL+X then Y then Enter to save the file

If your running a 32-bit version of CentOS then add the following lines into your console/terminal window followed by Enter.

sudo yum install mono-addon-core.i386 mono-addon-data.i386 mono-addon-data-sqlite.i386  mono-addon-extras.i386 mono-addon-web.i386 mono-addon-winforms.i386 mono-addon-libgdiplus0.i386

If your running a 64-bit version of CentOS then add the following lines into your console/terminal window followed by Enter..

sudo yum install mono-addon-core.x86_64 mono-addon-data.x86_64 mono-addon-data-sqlite.x86_64 mono-addon-extras.x86_64 mono-addon-web.x86_64 mono-addon-winforms.x86_64 mono-addon-libgdiplus0.x86_64

Then press Enter again to confirm the package installation.

Yum will install mono into /opt/novell/mono, so you can create a symbolic link to /usr/bin :

ln -s /opt/novell/mono/bin/mono /usr/bin/mono

Mono is now installed and will run OpenSim.exe with out errors.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Welcome Freaks!!

Hello All and welcome to my blog 'A Freak on the Grid'. In a world were everyone talks aboug getting off the 'Grid', I'm jumping on. Well we may be talking about two different grids.

I'm talking bout is the Virtual World Grids.

I've been playing Second life on and off again since 2007. Recently I've discovered a new Virtual world where you can run your own region off a local computer or even a hosted server.

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, were do I sign up.

Anyways this is a blogs bout my trials, tribulations, and eventual success. It's my hope that this blog will be come a nice little resource other virtual world freaks interested in region running, and content creation.

Until next next time...Stay Freaky!!!